Online Image Resizer and Compressor Tool

Image Resizer Tool

Image Resizer Tool

Your image preview will appear here

Instructions for Using the Image Resizer Tool

  1. Upload an Image:
    • Click on the “Choose File” button to select an image from your device. Supported formats include JPEG, PNG, and WEBP.
    • Once the image is selected, it will be displayed in the preview area.
  2. View image details:
    • After uploading, the tool will display details of the uploaded image, including its width, height, and file size.
  3. Resize the image:
    • Enter the desired width and height in the respective input fields under “Resize.”.
    • Click the “Resize” button to resize the image to the specified dimensions.
    • The resized image will be shown in the preview area with updated dimensions.
  4. Crop the image:
    • Click the “Crop” button to open the cropping tool.
    • Adjust the crop area as needed, then click the “Crop” button again to apply the crop.
    • The cropped image will be shown in the preview area.
  5. Compress the image:
    • Click the “Compress” button to reveal compression options.
    • Enter the desired quality level (between 0 and 1) in the “Quality” input field.
    • Click the “Compress” button to compress the image based on the specified quality.
    • The compressed image will be shown in the preview area with updated details.
  6. Download the image:
    • After resizing, cropping, or compressing, click one of the download buttons to save the image in your preferred format:
      • “Download JPEG” for JPEG format.
      • “Download PNG” for PNG format.
      • “Download WEBP” for WEBP format.
    • The image will be downloaded to your device in the chosen format.
  7. View Result Image Details:
    • After performing any action (resize, crop, or compress), the tool will display details of the resulting image, including its width, height, and file size.

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